Grace Presbyterian Church


Children’s Ministries of Grace Presbyterian Church

At Grace Presbyterian Church, we take ministry to our children very seriously. Our Christian Education Committee is one of the largest committees of the church, due in large part, to the strong emphasis that we place on opportunities for growth in our children. It is our belief that children are an integral part of this worshipping community and every effort is made to give them opportunities to learn and grow their faith.

A graded program is available for children during the Sunday School hour from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday evening activities begin following dinner (5:00 p.m.) at 5:30 and include singing, crafts and educational activities.

Special events during the year are provided with kids in mind. They include the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Rally Day Picnic, Trunk or Treat, Breakfast with Santa, and much more.

Children under the age of two are provided with a nursery staffed with qualified individuals whose sole responsibility is the care of these children. In addition, a toddler nursery is provided that emcompasses what we call “Extended Session.” Details of this program are outlined below.

We also provide a Mother’s Day Out-Preschool Program that is second to none. It operates Monday – Friday from 9:30 to 1:30 and follow the same schedule as Jefferson County Schools. Look on this webpage for further information.

We strive to make our children’s programming one that excels in all areas and we invite you to come and be a part of it!

Extended Session

Extended Session is our name for a ministry to the children attending worship at Grace Presbyterian Church. It is an opportunity for them to worship in a setting that is comfortable for them while still being an integral part of this worshipping community.

At Grace Presbyterian Church, we encourage you to take your children to worship! We believe that it is developmentally important for children to learn by example just what it means to be a worshipping community. We firmly believe that every child is a part of this community of faith. We also realize that some children may not be at a point in their maturity to sit for an entire worship service. For this reason, our Christian Education Committee provides an “Extended Session” for your children. This is a worship opportunity that is offered here and takes place following the Word to the Children.

During the Word to the Children, every child is encouraged to come to the front of the sanctuary to hear the Good News of the Gospel spoken in a child-friendly way. Following this, all children not yet in the first grade are escorted by adults to the red classroom for a time we call Extended Session. Children first grade and older are encouraged to sit with their parents or with another adult. Child-friendly worship bulletins designed for all ages of children are provided by the ushers if your child would like to use them.

If you are not comfortable with taking your child to worship with you, you may sign your child in at the red classroom no earlier than 10:50 a.m. The teachers providing for extended session that day will take all the children to worship with them just before worship begins. We understand that some children have “separation anxiety” and it may be easier for you and for your child if they accompany the teacher instead. If this is the case, you may feel free to leave them in the care of the teacher to get them to and from worship at the appropriate times.

If your child is participating in the extended session program we need for you to come by the red classroom on the children’s wing prior to worship each Sunday morning and sign your child in on the appropriate sign-in sheet. You will be asked to leave any special instruction that you feel necessary and to make a name-tag for your child. During the time of extended session, the children will hear a child-friendly Bible story, be provided an opportunity to make a craft, and have a light snack (juice box and animal crackers). During the closing hymn of worship the children will return to the sanctuary, accompanied by the teachers, so that they can be a part of the benediction. At the close of worship, they will return to the red classroom (escorted by the teachers) by way of the chancel door (adjacent to the choir loft), and will be waiting for you in the red classroom. Following the benediction, we ask that you return promptly to the children’s wing to hear about all of the great things they have been a part of on Sunday mornings.

It is our sincere hope that you find the provisions that have been thoughtfully and prayerfully prepared for your children, meet both yours, and their, spiritual needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the church office. Our goal is to offer everyone – child and adult – a place to worship, fellowship, and experience God!